Release: WordsFlow 3.0.2 for InDesign CS6, CC2019-2021

February 3, 2021 by

This quick release improves WordsFlow’s built-in Word filter and addresses reported issues.


  • Adds an (Other…) entry to the Font Size list in the Import Options dialog’s Character Style Mapping sub-dialog to allow the mapping of arbitrary font sizes.
  • Fixes a problem introduced in the 3.0.1 release that was preventing buttons in the Import Options dialog from working.
  • Shows the Import Options dialog if Shift is held down as you click Open or as you double-click a filename in the Place with WordsFlow, Place without WordsFlow, or Link to Original Document dialogs. Holding down Shift as you click Save does the same in the Export with WordsFlow dialog.
  • Makes Excel macro-enabled workbook files (.xlsm) selectable in the Place with WordsFlow dialog.
  • Defaults the Place without WordsFlow dialog’s Create Link checkbox to InDesign’s Create Links When Placing Text and Spreadsheet Files setting (found in Preferences > File Handling) instead of starting with it always disabled. Links created by a Place without WordsFlow will not be managed by WordsFlow.
  • Fixes a problem where importing or updating from a Word file that was generated by an Export with WordsFlow could fail with a TypeError exception if a table cell within the Word file contained an image.
  • Fixes the import of Word files that contain less common border styles like “inset” and “outset.”
  • Allows the import of Word documents created by Word Online.
  • Fixes a problem where an import of a Word document containing a hyperlinked footnote reference could fail with an AttributeError exception.
  • Fixes a problem where exporting em and en spaces mixed with forced line break characters could produce bad characters in the resulting Word file.

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