

You’ll find our contact information at the bottom left of every page on thisour web site. Email to the appropriate folks (sales@emsoftware.com or support@emsoftware.com) is by far the best method for reaching us and getting results.

You can also call or text us at +1 740 284 1010, but we’ll probably ask you to email us anyway with technical details (unless it’s a very quick question).

Privacy policy, license agreement, taxes

You’ll find Em’s privacy policy and product end-user license agreement in this section. You’ll also find notes about taxes (Em’s corporate status, tax forms). See the sidebar for links.


Since 1990, Em has been building industrial-strength products that are in production use at tens of thousands of sites world-wide.

We’re a small company and we do our best to give fanatical attention to product quality and customer service. (Don’t take our word for it—see the testimonials sidebar for what some of our delighted customers have to say about various topics.)

In particular, our smallness means that the people doing customer support are the same folks writing the software, implementing custom solutions or training others in the use of our tools. So our current and potential customers get the best possible support.

Em Software has been in the data publishing and editorial tools business for over 30 years, and was one of the very first InDesign plug-in developers (recruited by Adobe before InDesign 1.0 shipped). We’re here for the long term.


Our team is spread across four states: Ohio, Colorado, Texas, and Connecticut.

Chris Ryland, Em’s president in Ohio, sales and marketing guy and sometime R&D engineer, founded Em in 1990, after a decade working as a developer and manager at various companies, including the first commercial full-typesetting laser printer start-up, and the first (and only) VLIW super-computer start-up.

Chris Roueche, Em’s R&D chief engineer in Colorado, joined Em in 1995, after working at Quark as well as other XTension developers, and in the independent gaming business.

John Whitney, R&D engineer extraordinaire in Texas, joined Em in 2007 just out of college.

Joe Mathia, chief customer support engineer in Connecticut, and arguably the most experienced Em-tools-based application developer in the world, has been working with us since 2000.


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