
Release: InData 3.1 for InDesign 2022-2024

This release adds a warning for inline content that overflows during an import.

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Release: InData 3.0.1 for InDesign 2022-2024

This patch addresses a problem with missing pictures that could make InDesign 2024 shut down.

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Release: InData 3.0 for InDesign 2022-2024

We’re excited to introduce InData 3.0 and its plethora of new, Pro-level features including support for anchored text, groups and, wait for it … tables!

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Release: InData 2.20.1 for InDesign 2022-2024

This patch fixes a problem with picture downloading.

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Release: InData 2.20 for InDesign 2022-2024

This release adds support for InDesign 2024.

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Release: InData 2.19.2 for InDesign 2021-2023

This patch fixes a problem with picture downloading.

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Release: InData 2.19.1 for InDesign 2021-2023

This patch addresses various licensing issues.

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Release: InData 2.19 for InDesign 2021-2023

This release mainly adds support for InDesign 2023.

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Release: InData 2.18.1 for InDesign 2020-2022

This patch fixes hyperlinks for email addresses and fileexists for URLs.

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Release: InData 2.18 for InDesign 2020-2022

This release adds high resolution previews for auto-downloaded pictures and support for QR codes.

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Release: InData 2.17 for InDesign 2020-2022

This release improves scripting support and fixes problems when applying parent pages.

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Release: InData 2.16.1 for InDesign 2020-2022

This patch fixes a problem when working with HFS-style paths.

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Release: InData 2.16 for InDesign 2020-2022

This release adds support for InDesign 2022 and discontinues support for some older versions.

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Release: InData 2.15 for InDesign CS6, CC2019-2021

This release adds user-specified snapshot file types and fixes problems with finding files.

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LA InDesign User Group: Data Merge with InDesign

The LA InDesign User Group’s October 21st meeting will feature Em’s own Joe Mathia presenting Data Merge with InDesign, as an online event.

From the overview:

You’re probably familiar with the word processing mail merge function that allows you to send personalized letters to a number of people. In this presentation, Joe Mathia will explain how to use InDesign’s somewhat similar Data Merge function, a capability built into InDesign straight out of the box. Learn how to create personalized letters, envelopes, mailing labels, even catalogs with images.

But as powerful as the InDesign Data Merge function is, it has limitations. Joe will describe those limitations, and show how InData and InCatalog, two plugins from Em Software, expand the boundaries, taking InDesign automation to new levels. For instance, InData’s English-like scripting language, allows you to build conditional rules, including or excluding fields based on the presence or content of other fields, including one or more graphics per entry based on picture availability, etc.

Follow up

The recording is here on Vimeo: Data Merge with InDesign.

Free InData online seminar with Laurie Ruhlin

Laurie Ruhlin will be presenting a no-cost InData online webinar on James Wamser’s Words of Wisdom series. From the overview:

Laurie will be showing how she took data and images from a Walsworth customer’s database and flowed it into an InDesign layout using Em Software’s InData, an InDesign plugin. She started by redesigning the catalog, then worked to get the data and images ready to flow. She created the InData Prototype, which allowed her to flow and format hundreds of catalog items from an Excel Spreadsheet and images located on a shared server into her InDesign document in minutes.

Laurie’s presentations are always excellent, so we can’t recommend this more highly.

(Now that the webinar is finished, use this link to view the recording.)

Release: InData 2.14.1 for InDesign CS6, CC2019-2021

This patch fixes problems with URLs, Apple silicon machines, and master page applications.

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Release: InData 2.14 for InDesign CS6, CC2019-2021

This release adds URL-based picture imports and supports Apple silicon.

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Release: InData 2.13 for InDesign CS6, CC2019-2021

This release makes it easier to work with InData’s header/footer references.

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Release: InData 2.12 for InDesign CS6, CC2019-2021

This release adds support for InDesign 2021 and discontinues support for some older versions.

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Release: InData 2.11 for InDesign CS6, CC2018-2020

This release improves scriptability and adds a more direct way to use InDesign tagged text.

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Extreme Ad Makeover with InData

Consultant extraordinaire Gil Poulsen has written another incredible tutorial/case study detailing how he’s building real estate ads for newspapers in his area using Em’s InData product.

It’s in three parts:

Extreme Ad Makeover with InDesign/InData (Part 1)(Part 2)(Part 3)

Read all three parts for an in-depth tutorial, with helpful pointers at the end.

Release: InData 2.10 for InDesign CS6, CC2018-2020

This release adds support for InDesign 2020 and discontinues support for some older versions.

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Release: InData 2.9.2 for InDesign CS5–CC2019

This patch fixes Anchored Object settings on imported frames.

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Release: InData 2.9.1 for InDesign CS5–CC2019

This patch allows embedded utf-8-encoded Unicode characters in Mac-Roman/Win-Latin imports.

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Release: InData 2.9 for InDesign CS5–CC2019

This release adds support for just-released InDesign CC 2019.

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Release: InData 2.8.1 for InDesign CS5–CC2018

This patch fixes an incompatibility with macOS Sierra’s Universal Clipboard.

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Release: InData 2.8 for InDesign CS5–CC2018

This release augments the fieldindex() function and corrects a long-standing problem when using XPress Tags translation tables in styled puts.

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Release: InData 2.7.1 for InDesign CS5–CC2018

This patch fixes a problem with the pageinfo function.

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Release: InData 2.7 for InDesign CS5–CC2018

This release adds support for just-released InDesign CC 2018.

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Release: InData 2.6 for InDesign CS5–CC2017

This release adds prototype badges and fixes a problem with full paths on startup volumes.

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Release: InData 2.5.2 for InDesign CS5–CC2017

This patch addresses a problem with importing some CJK characters.

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Release: InData 2.5 for InDesign CS5–CC2017

This release adds support for just-released InDesign CC 2017.

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Release: InData 2.4 for InDesign CS5–CC2015

This release introduces auto-sizing variables, fixes a minor headers/footers update problem, and includes an updated InFlow plug-in.

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Release: InData 2.3.5 for InDesign CS5–CC2015

This patch release fixes problems with the format() function.

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Release: InData 2.3.4 for InDesign CS5–CC2015

This quick release fixes data import using AppleScript.

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Release: InData 2.3.3 for InDesign CS5–CC2015

This release enables file import under OS X El Capitan and addresses issues when using posix-style paths on Mac OS X.

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Release: InData 2.3.2 for InDesign CS5–CC2015

This quick release addresses an issue with header/footer updating.

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Release: InData 2.3.1 for InDesign CS5–CC2015

This patch introduces our custom installers and addresses a problem with header/footer updating.

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Release: InData 2.3 for InDesign CS5–CC2015

This release adds support for just-released InDesign CC 2015, abandons Extension Manager CC in favor of, for now, a manual installation procedure (see below), improves file path handling, and fixes a few additional problems.

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Release: InData 2.2.3 for InDesign CS5–CC2014

This patch release lets Mac users select any file for import.

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Release: InData 2.2.2 for InDesign CS5–CC2014

This patch release fixes a problem with custom subfield delimiters.

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Release: InData 2.2.1 for InDesign CS5–CC2014

This release adds compatibility with InDesign CC 2014 and a few minor fixes.

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Release: InData 2.1.1 for InDesign CS5/CS5.5/CS6/CC

This patch release includes a fix for a problem that could cause InDesign to shut down in some OS X 10.6 and 10.7 configurations.

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David Blatner’s new data publishing tutorial

David Blatner has released a brand-new data merge and data publishing tutorial on As with anything by the InDesign Secrets crew, it’s quite well done.

This new tutorial also includes a 5-minute overview of our InData product, called “InData, a more powerful Data Merge“. The folks have kindly made this video freely viewable.

Release: InData 2.1 for InDesign CS5/CS5.5/CS6/CC

This release adds support for InDesign CC and includes, among other things, a number of new functions for working with strings.

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Release: InData 2.0.4 for InDesign CS5/5.5/6

This patch release improves cross-reference handling and primary text flow support.

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Release: InData 2.0.3 for InDesign CS5/5.5/6

This update of InData addresses header/footer issues when working with facing pages, adds a new picture positioning option, and makes all flavors of snapshot files selectable again.

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Release: InData 2.0.2 for InDesign CS5/5.5/6

This update of InData improves compatibility with FileMaker Pro 12.

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Release: InData 2.0.1 for InDesign CS5/5.5/6

This patch release of InData improves compatibility with Primary Text Frames and fixes an issue with wandering header/footer frames in CS6.

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Release: InData 2.0 for InDesign CS5/5.5/6

We’re pleased to announce a major new release of InData, which, along with various accumulated fixes and improvements, finally adds full support for text anchors, hyperlinks and cross-references.

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Release: InData 6/7/ for InDesign CS4/5/5.5/6

This release of InData adds support for Adobe InDesign CS6, officially ends support for CS4, and improves the import experience.

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Beta release: InData 8.1.9 beta 1 for InDesign CS6

We’re happy to announce the immediate availability of InData 8.1.9 beta 1 for Adobe InDesign CS6. We’re looking forward to seeing the layouts folks come up with by combining InData with CS6’s new Liquid Layout and Alternate Layout features.

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Release: InData 6/7.1.9 for InDesign CS4/5/5.5

This minor release adds ExtendScript access to InData’s import methods on Mac OS as well as full scripting access to InData’s prototype story and story names.

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Server plug-ins for InDesign CS5/5.5 Server

We’re pleased to announce that we now have server versions of our popular, field-proven data publishing solutions available for Adobe InDesign CS5 Server and Adobe InDesign CS5.5 Server.

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Release: InData 6/ for InDesign CS4/5/5.5

This patch release addresses issues with scripting, indent-to-here characters, the format() function and CJK systems.

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Release: InData 6/ for InDesign CS4/5/5.5

This release simply adds compatibility for Adobe’s 7.5.1 update to InDesign CS5.5.

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Release: InData 6/7.1.8 for InDesign CS4/CS5

This release sees the addition of sister-product Xdata’s format() function, support for the &it tag in XPress Tags-styled text and compatibility with InCatalog 6/ and later.

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Release: InData 6/7.1.7 for InDesign CS4/CS5

This release adds unfettered anchored box sizing and includes a couple of minor fixes.

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InData and Xtags CS5 updates now available

We’re delighted to announce that both InData and Xtags for CS5 (and CS4) are now officially released, and available for download and purchase from their respective product pages:

InData for InDesign CS4/CS5

Xtags for InDesign CS4/CS5

InCatalog for CS5 is coming to life in the labs, but is probably still a couple of weeks away from beta test.

Release: InData 6/7.1.6 for InDesign CS4/CS5

This release of InData for InDesign adds support for InDesign CS5 to that for CS4, drops support for CS2/CS3, adds support for Xtags styled text without requiring the Xtags plugin, adds support for inline picture frame tags in Xtags styled text, and allows you to choose which format of styled text you’re using (Xtags or InDesign Tags) on a per-use basis.

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Release: InData 4/5/6.1.5 for InDesign CS2/CS3/CS4

This release of InData for InDesign adds support for missing pictures, and fixes a bug with importing from the clipboard.

(This includes all release notes back to the beginning of the CS2/CS3/CS4 series.)

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Release: InData 3/4.1.2 for InDesign CS/CS2

This release supports InDesign CS2 as well as CS, and features a small set of additions and fixes.

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Release: InData 2/3.1.1 for InDesign 2/CS

This set of releases fixes a whole raft of bugs, and adds features such as full Unicode support and scripting access to header updating.

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Release: InData 2.0 for InDesign 2

This release includes a whole slew of fixes and small features that you’d expect early in the life of a product.

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Release: InData 1.2 for InDesign 1

This release fixes a whole bunch of early-product-life bugs.

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