Release: WordsFlow 3.6 for InDesign 2020-2022

April 15, 2022 by

This release improves the quality of Word imports and exports, and enhances product reliability.


  • Adds support for Word’s horizontal “book layout” object positioning.

  • Preserves background tints when exporting to a Word file.

  • Preserves Space Before and Space After when exporting “Above Line” images to a Word file.

  • Improves compatibility with R7-Office.

  • Works around an InDesign limitation where using a colon in an index entry could cause the application to shut down.

  • Fixes the Import Options dialog to allow any (Unicode) character when entering names for style mapping.

  • Fixes a problem that caused imports and updates to fail with a “no such file” error if a folder named “Users” was present in the system’s /Volumes. (macOS only)

  • Fixes a rare problem where a missing endnote would halt a Word file’s import with a “list index out of range” message. Missing endnotes are now automatically replaced with an empty paragraph.

  • Fixes a problem where hyperlink destinations could interfere with each other when placing multiple documents.

  • Fixes a problem that could prevent the update of stories containing groups.

  • Fixes a problem introduced in the 3.5.1 release that could cause InDesign to shut down when exporting a document as PDF/X.

  • Fixes a problem that could, in rare situations, cause InDesign to shut down during a link update or a relink.

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