Release: InData 6/7.1.6 for InDesign CS4/CS5

October 4, 2010 by

This release of InData for InDesign adds support for InDesign CS5 to that for CS4, drops support for CS2/CS3, adds support for Xtags styled text without requiring the Xtags plugin, adds support for inline picture frame tags in Xtags styled text, and allows you to choose which format of styled text you’re using (Xtags or InDesign Tags) on a per-use basis.


If you’re using CS5, updating to the latest version of InData is as simple as starting up Adobe Extension Manager, selecting InData and clicking Update.

With this release, the CS5 plug-in now requires a valid InData 7 (CS5) serial number.

These release bundles include the InFlow companion plug-in, which must be installed for InData to work.


  • Added built-in support for XPress-tagged styled text (the Xtags plug-in is no longer required to use this feature).
  • Added support for Xtags-style anchored/inline picture frame tags (&pb) in XPress-tagged styled text.
  • Added the indesigntagged and xpresstagged keywords to control the tag format used to interpret individual styled puts. For example, «put styled indesigntagged a» would handle InDesign Tags-styled text while «put styled xpresstagged a» would expect XPress Tags-styled text. To use XPress Tags by default, add «set defaultisxpresstagged to true» to your prototype (which does not affect the defaultisstyled setting).
  • Fixed a long-standing problem where prototypes using many large global variables could run out of memory (with error [P16] This prototype is too large…).

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