Release: InData 6/7.1.9 for InDesign CS4/5/5.5

April 18, 2012 by

This minor release adds ExtendScript access to InData’s import methods on Mac OS as well as full scripting access to InData’s prototype story and story names.


  • Added ExtendScript access to the importDataFrom() and importDataFromFile() methods in Mac OS.
  • Added scripting access to a document object’s prototype story property (or prototypeStory in ExtendScript), which corresponds to the InData > Use Story as Prototype setting in the UI. This is a read/write property of documents and contains either nothing/null (if not set) or a reference to a story within the document containing the active prototype story.
  • Added scripting access to a story object’s InData story name property (or indataStoryName in ExtendScript), which corresponds to the InData > Name Story… setting in the UI. This is a read/write property of stories and is a string containing the story’s InData name. Note that the InData name is separate from a story’s name and label properties.

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