Beta release: DocsFlow 8.1.4 beta 1 for InDesign CS6

May 21, 2012 by

We’re happy to announce the immediate availability of DocsFlow 8.1.4 beta 1 for Adobe InDesign CS6.

You can download the beta from the sidebar on the right or from the beta sidebar on the main product page . When you download and expand the linked .zip file, you’ll find a folder Em DocsFlow 8.1.4b1 for InDesign CS6, containing the Adobe Extension Manager CS6 installation file for DocsFlow 8.1.4b1 for your selected OS (docsflow814b1_installer_win.zxp for Windows, and docsflow814b1_installer_mac.zxp). Double-click on the .zxp file to install DocsFlow 8.

If you already own a license for DocsFlow 7 (beginning “EK-P-7”) for CS5/CS5.5, then this same license will also activate DocsFlow 8 during its beta phase. If you’ve an older license or are in need of a new license, please contact our sales department to purchase a license for DocsFlow 8. As always, you’re welcome to try DocsFlow 8 for free as a Demo, which limits linked Google Docs documents to one link per InDesign document.

Please note that this beta plug-in will expire on July 1, 2012.

Thanks for giving this beta a try!  We value your feedback, so please contact us with any questions or concerns while you use this, or any other, Em product.

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