Release: DocsFlow 2.9.5 for InDesign CS5–CC2015

August 2, 2016 by

This release includes fixes that improve the quality and stability of updates.


  • Fixes progress bars during long imports and exports.
  • Fixes a problem introduced in the 2.9.1 release that could cause InDesign to shut down when placing, updating, or relinking a story making use of a font with a short name (three characters or less, like “Sen”). (InDesign CC or later only)
  • Works around an InDesign bug where deleting an imported story containing out-of-date cross-references was causing InDesign to shut down.
  • Fixes a problem introduced in the 2.9.1 release that caused an “Unhandled exception (ParseError)” error when using a font with a character special to xml (like &) in its name.
  • Fixes a problem where updating a story with a table containing a graphic cell with mixed content caused InDesign to shut down.
  • Fixes a situation where DocsFlow wasn’t adhering to its “InDesign wins styling changes” update policy.
  • Fixes a rare problem that caused some updates to fail with an “Unhandled exception (KeyError)” error.
  • Fixes a problem where an update could lose a non-rectangular frame’s applied object style.

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