Release: WordsFlow 2.17 for InDesign CS6, CC2018-2020

July 13, 2020 by

This release gives exported Word files the same page formatting as the InDesign document, and improves product stability.


  • Formats exported Word files with the InDesign document’s page size, orientation, and margins.
  • Adds a Link to Original Document… entry to the Edit > WordsFlow menu. Link to Original Document… was added in the 2.13 release, but was only accessible in the text and layout contextual menus. It establishes a link between a story and an arbitrary external file, and can be handy for linking-up existing (pre-WordsFlow) stories and for repairing existing WordsFlow links.
  • Fixes a problem where exporting a story with an anchored text-on-a-path could produce an empty Word document.
  • Fixes a problem where updating a story containing anchored frames could, on rare occasions, cause InDesign to freeze.
  • Fixes a problem where updating a story with an Index reference containing a “see also” cross-reference could result in a “list index out of range” error.

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