Release: WordsFlow 2.18 for InDesign CS6, CC2018-2020
This release improves tracked-changes handling, InDesign’s Missing Fonts dialog, and product stability.
- Disables InDesign’s native Word import filter’s Track Changes option automatically, when placing with WordsFlow or updating a managed link, to prevent Adobe’s filter from creating a corrupted story that could then cause InDesign to quit unexpectedly. This supplants the need to Accept All Changes in Word before saving for a Place with WordsFlow or link update.
- Patches InDesign’s Missing Fonts dialog so that it doesn’t show an empty list after a link update and is shown only once for any Update All Links.
- Improves conflict reporting with better messages and locations.
- Fixes a problem that could cause an export of a story using custom bullet characters to fail with a “ValueError” exception.
- Fixes a problem that could cause an update of a story containing cross-references to fail with with an “AttributeError” exception.
- Fixes a problem introduced in the 2.13 release that could remove a story’s original import options during a relink.