Release: WordsFlow 2.6.1 for InDesign CS5–CC2015

August 6, 2015 by

This patch release officially introduces our custom installers and addresses minor issues with licensing, Word document import, and Word document export.


  • Introduces custom installers for a simpler and more reliable installation experience. Find your current version of InDesign in the list (see WordsFlow for InDesign CS5–CC2015 in the sidebar to the right) and then click on the link that’s appropriate for your OS (Mac OS or Windows). Once the installer has downloaded, open the application (.exe, on Windows) or package (.pkg, on Mac OS) and follow the on-screen instructions.
  • Fixes a problem where a licensed WordsFlow installation could revert to a trial plug-in after restarting InDesign in low-memory situations. (CC 2014 and CC 2015, Mac OS X 10.9+ only)
  • Fixes an import problem where a character style would only be applied to the first paragraph when consecutive paragraphs had the same styling.
  • Fixes an issue where a “1” was being appended to some styles in exported Word documents.
  • Fixes a problem where images inside tracked deletions could prevent a story from being exported.
  • Fixes a bug introduced with the 2.4.2 release that was causing some Word exports to fail.
  • Fixes a problem where exporting a story containing images could fail with a TypeError exception on some systems. (Windows only)

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