SPI Connector for Box + WordsFlow bundle

May 7, 2019 by

We’re happy to announce the results of a recent collaboration effort with Silicon Publishing, Inc (SPI), resulting in a Box Connector + WordsFlow bundle.

Brett Kizner from Silicon Publishing says it best:

We’ve been friends with the folks from Em Software for a long time. Just as our Connector solves a common problem of linking assets from a DAM [digital asset management system] or file sharing service to your InDesign documents, WordsFlow creates a dynamic link with magic-merge capabilities from a Microsoft Word or Excel document to your InDesign document. We realized that when you combine the two solutions, you get a powerful collaborative editorial toolset breaking the barriers between the writers and the designers so we are proud to work with the Em Software team to bring a combined solution to market.

and, from the bundle description:

Enable your InDesign users to collaborate seamlessly in the cloud with content creators using Microsoft Office. With this collaboration between Silicon Publishing and Em Software, your InDesign users can place and link Microsoft Word and Excel documents stored in Box. From within Box, users can edit documents using Office Online enabling content to be updated from any internet-connected device. When Connector updates the modified link in InDesign, WordsFlow’s magic-merge ensures that content changes are applied without impacting your layout’s formatting…

Read the whole thing here, and watch the excellent video that Brett narrates, showing how Connector and WordsFlow work together to make true production magic happen.

You can buy the bundle at Silicon Connector’s website. [No need to purchase WordsFlow separately, just to make that clear.]

We’re very happy and excited to be working these great folks. Look for more bundles with SPI Connector for various DAMs, coming in the near future!


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