Beta release: Xtags 8.1.4 beta 1 for InDesign CS6
May 18, 2012 by car
We’re happy to announce the immediate availability of Xtags 8.1.4 beta 1 for Adobe InDesign CS6.
Our internal testing is showing Xtags 8.1.4b1 to be as stable and reliable in CS6 as its 6/7.1.4 predecessors have been in CS4, CS5, and CS5.5. Given this, we expect it to progress quickly through its beta phase.
You can download the beta from the sidebar on the right or from the beta sidebar on the main product page . When you download and expand the linked .zip file, you’ll find a folder Xtags 8.1.4b1 for InDesign CS6, containing the Adobe Extension Manager CS6 installation files for Xtags 8.1.4b1 and InFlow 8.2.2b1 for your selected OS (xtags814b1_installer_win.zxp and inflow822b1_installer_win.zxp for Windows, and xtags814b1_installer_mac.zxp and inflow822b1_installer_mac.zxp for Mac OS). Double-click on each .zxp file to install Xtags 8 and, optionally, InFlow 8 (which you may no longer need, given CS6’s new Primary Text Frame feature).
If you already own a license for Xtags 7 (beginning “ET-N-7”) for CS5/CS5.5, then this same license will also activate Xtags 8 during its beta phase. If you’ve an older license or are in need of a new license, please contact our sales department to purchase a license for Xtags 8. As always, you’re welcome to try Xtags 8 for free as a Demo, which limits imports to 50 paragraphs.
Please note that this beta plug-in will expire on July 1, 2012.
Thanks for giving this beta a try! We value your feedback, so please contact us with any questions or concerns while you use this, or any other, Em product.