Release: Xtags 3.8.4 for QuarkXPress 9/10

February 13, 2015 by

With this release of Xtags, we are pleased (and relieved!) to announce the addition of full support for QuarkXPress 10 on Mac OS X. Please note that with this release, our QuarkXPress 10 XTensions now require QuarkXPress 10.2 or later (both Mac OS X and Windows).

Known Issues

Quark appears to have dropped support for old-style Mac menu font names in QuarkXPress 10, as evidenced by the change in the font menu’s list from QuarkXPress 9. This means that tags that currently select a font by its menu name will need to be converted to use the font’s PostScript font name instead. For example, <f"H Futura Heavy"> would need to be changed to <f"Futura-Heavy"> and <f"Baskerville BT"> would need to be changed to <f"BaskervilleBT-Roman">.

(A font’s PostScript name can be found in Apple’s Font Book app (with Preview > Show Font Info selected) or by selecting some styled text and viewing the results of Edit > Copy with Xtags.)


  • Adds support for QuarkXPress 10 for Mac OS X. The QuarkXPress 10 XTension requires a valid Xtags 10-level license. Please contact our sales department to purchase an upgrade license or to obtain a free upgrade if you purchased Xtags within the last nine months.
  • Requires QuarkXPress 10.2 or later—these XTensions will fail to load in versions prior to 10.2. Note that Quark provides free upgrades from earlier versions of 10.x to 10.5, the latest version.
  • Fixes a problem introduced in Xtags 3.7 where placing an anchored table could cause QuarkXPress to shut down.

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