“saved us at least $100K in rollout costs”

April 20, 2004 by

Xdata has been a life saver for me and my employer, Con-Way Central Express. Shortly after the attacks on September 11, 2001, Con-Way instituted a policy that required photo IDs for every permanent and supplemental employee, regardless of whether they called on customers. With roughly 9,000 employees (scattered across 25 states and 9 provinces), coming up with an economical and timely solution was a must. . . Had it been necessary for me to key the preliminary data in as well as manually import the images, the project would have failed miserably. Xdata allowed us to process as many cards a day as we could. This solution ultimately saved us at least $100,000 in rollout costs compared to using a traditional badge system and has saved countless hours of work due to automation. I can’t stress enough that Xdata has paid for itself time and again in the last two and a half years.

Tara Keezer, Con-Way Central Express


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