Release: Xtags 2.3.4 for InDesign CS5–CC2015

January 6, 2016 by

This release fixes a few long-standing problems with No Style style applications.


  • Fixes a problem when exporting tags where a transition to the No Style character style was producing a <@> instead of a <@$p>, which was then, on import, letting the styling from the non-No Style text bleed into the No Style-styled text.
  • Fixes the import of the No Style paragraph style sheet (the @: prefix) so that it now preserves any character styling that may have been applied by the previously-active paragraph style sheet (if not otherwise overridden by character styling).
  • Fixes the import of character attribute tags in No Style text runs to take default values ($, as in <f$>) from the Normal character style sheet, if a style named Normal exists, for better compatibility with QuarkXPress. If no Normal character style is found, the attributes simply revert to the paragraph style’s settings, as they did before.
  • Fixes a problem where the name in exported language tags could be cut short. (Windows only)

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