Release: Xtags 2.6.1 for InDesign CS5–CC2018

August 24, 2018 by

This patch release addresses problems with applying character, paragraph, and object styles.


  • Fixes a long-standing problem where a root-level character or paragraph style would fail to apply if a style with the same name was found in one or more style groups. For example, Xtags will no longer throw an error for the character style application <@header> if it finds a style named header at both the root level and in a style group named, say, Production and will instead simply use the root-level style. To apply the style in the group instead, just preface the style name with the group’s path (using vertical bars), like <@Production|header>.
  • Fixes a problem where importing a box tag with an object style specified could leave one or more unwanted overrides on the created frame if the document’s Default Graphic/Text Object Style was set to something other than [None].

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