
Release: DocsFlow 1.6 for InDesign CS5/CS5.5/CS6

This release of DocsFlow introduces major improvements to table handling and improves the overall quality of the merge process.

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Release: DocsFlow 1.5 for InDesign CS5/CS5.5/CS6

We’re happy to announce DocsFlow 1.5, which adds support for Google Drive files, improves the drag’n’drop workflow, converts page breaks to InDesign frame breaks, and enhances the quality of story updating.

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Release: DocsFlow 1.4.8 for InDesign CS5/CS5.5/CS6

This patch release addresses a loss-of-connection issue and includes several improvements for updating from Google Docs.

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Release: DocsFlow 1.4.7 for InDesign CS5/CS5.5/CS6

This release supports placing public documents even when not in the user’s account, and fixes a slew of minor bugs.

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Release: DocsFlow 1.4.6 for InDesign CS5/5.5/6

This patch release addresses Mac OS X 10.7 & 10.8 installation issues and improves link handling.

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DocsFlow accelerates annual report production at literacy project

In general, we’re happy to donate software to qualified educational institutions (for teaching applications) and to non-profit organizations, and we did so for Wisconsin Literacy a few months ago. Sheila McGrath kindly reports back with a very positive review of using DocsFlow with InDesign for their annual report production.

WiscLitCoverThank you so much for giving us DocsFlow. Wisconsin Literacy produced their annual report using DocsFlow, with me as an off-site volunteer graphic designer.

(Click on the annual report cover for the full pdf version.)

DocsFlow for CS4 worked very well for flowing text into InDesign. I was not able to get custom style-mapping to work automatically (likely an older Mac Javascript version on my machine rather than a DocsFlow problem) but I had no problem importing text into InDesign smoothly. I just re-imported text after changes and my styles were retained, so all was well. The Links panel indications of file changes worked fine also.

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Release: DocsFlow 7/ for InDesign CS5/5.5/6

This patch release fixes spreadsheet imports and addresses styling issues.

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Release: DocsFlow 7/ for InDesign CS5/5.5/6

This patch release addresses a problem with loss of styling.

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Release: DocsFlow 6/7/ for InDesign CS4/5/5.5/6

This patch release improves document updating.

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Release: DocsFlow 6/7/ for InDesign CS4/5/5.5/6

This patch release fixes problems with style mapping and with deleted documents being displayed in the Place dialog.

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DocsFlow gets “exceptionally good” rating in a full review from InDesign Magazine

David Blatner, one of the patriarchs of the InDesign ecosystem, in the June/July 2012 issue of InDesign Magazine, reviewed the latest version of DocsFlow and gave it 4 stars for “exceptionally good.”

David opens with a great story:

For me, one of the most memorable highlights at the PePcon conference this year was a simple conversation in the hallway with an attendee about the DocsFlow plug-in. Staring at me in near-disbelief, he stammered, “You mean I can have all my writers and editors working in Google Docs, and have their changes automatically update in InDesign? That’s awesome!” Yes, yes it is.

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Release: DocsFlow 6/7/ for InDesign CS4/5/5.5/6

This release of DocsFlow adds support for Adobe InDesign CS6, adds links for images, and includes many improvements to importing and updating.

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Beta release: DocsFlow 8.1.4 beta 2 for InDesign CS6

This beta improves the quality and reliability of DocsFlow updates.

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Beta release: DocsFlow 8.1.4 beta 1 for InDesign CS6

We’re happy to announce the immediate availability of DocsFlow 8.1.4 beta 1 for Adobe InDesign CS6.

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DocsFlow is a huge time saver at a non-profit

David Rager, a designer/art director in Paris who works with a non-profit organization called The Ecology Center in California, has been using DocsFlow recently and is quite enthusiastic about the product.

Evolve508I’ve been plugging away with DocsFlow over the last few months and found it that it’s been a huge time saver. What I love most is that it takes away the trouble I often run into with the conventional edit, proofread, approval, repeat system. My clients are also very happy that they get to interact with a live document and see how their text edits change the way the design looks and feels.

Our first “DocsFlow project” came back from press recently, 5 contributors were involved, each updating their own docs and everyone is very pleased with the results.

(Click on the graphic to review the issue.)

Release: DocsFlow 6/7.1.4 for InDesign CS4 & CS5/5.5

We just posted DocsFlow 1.4, in which we made further improvements to placing and managing large numbers of Google Docs documents, improved usability, added an option for secure, browser-based sign-ins, and fixed a few gremlins.

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Release: DocsFlow 6/ for InDesign CS4 & CS5/5.5

This patch release makes staying signed in while working with documents containing many GDocs document links much more possible, and also addresses problems with mis-mapped styles, paragraph spacing and dates in spreadsheets.

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Release: DocsFlow 6/7.1.3 for InDesign CS4 & CS5/5.5

We just released DocsFlow 1.3, which includes several new usability features, substantial performance improvements, and a handful of bug fixes.

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Release: DocsFlow 6/ for InDesign CS4 & CS5/5.5

This patch release fixes crash issues with using Edit Original and displaying the Place Google Docs Documents dialog.

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Update: DocsFlow 6.1.2 for InDesign CS4

This minor update addresses an incompatibility with DocsFlow 6.1.2 for InDesign CS4 and some Windows 7 installations. If you’ve experienced problems signing in to your Google Docs account with the initial DocsFlow 6.1.2 release, please remove DocsFlow from your Plug-Ins folder and then download and install this 6.1.2 re-release.

We apologize for the inconvenience of these extra steps and hope that you find DocsFlow to be a valuable addition to your Google Docs workflow.

Release: DocsFlow 6/7.1.2 for InDesign CS4 & CS5/5.5

We’re very pleased to announce DocsFlow 1.2, which adds support for spreadsheets, drag-and-drop and a host of other improvements resulting from many hours of production use by our expanding community of DocsFlow users.

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Release: DocsFlow 6/7.1 for InDesign CS4 & CS5/5.5

We’re pleased to announce DocsFlow 7.1, which, along with general fixes and improvements, adds several new features including full tables support and footnote styling.

We’re also very pleased to announce DocsFlow 6.1 for Adobe InDesign CS4, available immediately (see DocsFlow for InDesign CS4 sidebar).

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Early DocsFlow release reactions

It’s only been a couple of days, but we’ve seen a huge amount of interest in DocsFlow since its official release on Tuesday.

The Twittersphere has exploded with interest (keep scrolling down for dynamic refresh).

And The Unofficial Apple Weblog has an enthusiastic response.

We sponsored the InDesign Secrets podcast this week with Anne-Marie Concepcion and David Blatner, and they talked about DocsFlow in podcast 156 at some length (starting at 15:00). The whole podcast is great (as usual).

DocsFlow 7.0 for InDesign CS5/5.5 released

We’re thrilled to announce that, after almost exactly two years of development, and several months of intense beta testing, we’ve released the first version of DocsFlow (7.0) for InDesign CS5 and CS5.5. DocsFlow is a plugin that connects Google Docs to InDesign, for a breakthrough in affordable collaborative publishing.

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Beta release: DocsFlow 7.0 beta 4 for InDesign CS5/5.5

DocsFlow 7.0 beta 4 (for InDesign CS5/5.5, Mac OS and Windows) is now available for download and testing. We think this version represents a huge step forward, as it fixes a few major updating and stability problems that were hampering usability. We’ve also made further improvements to the merge process and made various other fixes and improvements that are detailed below.

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Beta release: DocsFlow 7.0 beta 3 for InDesign CS5/5.5

DocsFlow 7.0 beta 3 (for InDesign CS5/5.5, Mac OS and Windows) is now available for download and testing. This version adds style mapping, as well as many internal changes which improve the import and update experience.

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Beta release: DocsFlow 7.0 beta 2 for InDesign CS5/5.5

DocsFlow 7.0 beta 2 (for InDesign CS5/5.5, Mac OS and Windows) is now available for download and testing. We encourage you to upgrade to this version if you’re using DocsFlow, as it fixes some update merge problems, improves stability, and builds in some debugging tools to help us diagnose future merge problems.

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Beta release: DocsFlow 7.0 beta 1 for InDesign CS5/5.5 Windows

After a long struggle with packaging the complex technology behind DocsFlow, we’re very happy to announce the release of the first Windows beta version of DocsFlow 7.0 for both InDesign CS5 and CS5.5.

You can download it from the sidebar on the right or from the (same) sidebar on the main product page. When you download and expand the linked .zip file, you’ll find an outermost folder Em DocsFlow 7.0 beta 1, containing the folder Plug-ins for InDesign CS5 & CS5.5, containing the actual installation file docsflow70b1_installer_win.zxp, which you double-click to install.

(Adobe Extensions Manager will install the proper version (CS5 vs CS5.5) based on what you have installed on your system.)

We’re working on beta 2 for both platforms (Mac OS and Windows), containing some important bug fixes and feature additions. We hope to pick up the release pace, now that we’ve jumped the initial release hurdle.

Early DocsFlow beta feedback

There are already a couple of public responses to DocsFlow that might be helpful for others kicking its tires.

David Blatner gives his initial thoughts in an InDesign Secrets blog entry and emphasizes the “magic” part of DocsFlow, the document merging facilities. His tagline is “Em Software’s DocsFlow heralds a breakthrough in collaborative publishing!”

Haeme Ulrich calls it a “dream fulfilled” in his Ulrich Media blog entry (German; here’s a Google translation into English.)

Beta release: DocsFlow 7.0 beta 1 for InDesign CS5.5

Last night we re-released the DocsFlow beta to include binaries for both InDesign CS5 and CS5.5 (including 7.5.1, the latest update).

You can download it from the sidebar on the right or from the (same) sidebar on the main product page. When you download and expand the linked .zip file, you’ll find an outermost folder Em DocsFlow 7.0 beta 1, containing the folder Plug-ins for InDesign CS5 & CS5.5, containing the actual installation file docsflow70b1_installer_mac.zxp, which you double-click to install.

(Adobe Extensions Manager will install the proper version (CS5 vs CS5.5) based on what you have installed on your system.)

Beta release: DocsFlow 7.0 beta 1 for InDesign CS5

We’re delighted (and relieved) to announce that the first beta of DocsFlow, our brand-new product for connecting InDesign to Google Docs, is now available for public download and testing, at no cost during the beta test.

See the sidebar to download and for further information, such as the DocsFlow product overview (home page) and the user guide.

We’re first releasing the InDesign CS5 Mac OS version, with the CS5.5 Mac OS version coming later today. Then we’ll release the Windows versions over the next few days as we finish its integration process.

If you’re interested in testing, we strongly encourage you to learn more about keeping in touch via various methods, so you can hear about each beta release as it happens. At first, they’ll be coming pretty fast and furious, while we work out the bugs and glitches.

Thanks for any feedback you can give us, and we hope you find this new tool incredibly useful!

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